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Q: Looking for new opportunities. Please rate for best opportunity.
Enbridge Inc. (ENB)
TC Energy Corporation (TRP)
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)
Emera Incorporated (EMA)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
South Bow Corporation (SOBO)
Q: It seems the mid-stream oil and gas companies are holding up fairly well in this world of uncertainty. I would like to take positions in all, or some of these companies.
Are there any of these that you would not invest in at this time? If so, why not?
It would also be helpful if you would rank order them for me in terms of reliability of dividends and value at this time.
If you think there are other mid-streamers you like please feel free to include them.
Are there any of these that you would not invest in at this time? If so, why not?
It would also be helpful if you would rank order them for me in terms of reliability of dividends and value at this time.
If you think there are other mid-streamers you like please feel free to include them.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNQ)
Fortis Inc. (FTS)
Pembina Pipeline Corporation (PPL)
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. (PEY)
Capital Power Corporation (CPX)
Q: I've doubled on FTS in a non registered account and am thinking to trim as the growth forecast looks pretty flat. I'd like to add to the names noted as I see more growth and better yields. What do you think of such a move for a long term investment, trim or just sell it all?
In what order would you rank these for for growth, income and security?
In what order would you rank these for for growth, income and security?
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