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5i Recent Questions
Q: It appears the $1.65/share takeover by Norgine is set for Sept 30, 2017. Between now an then do you see any other upside above $1.65? I read at, 'The Arrangement Agreement includes a non-solicitation covenant on the part of Merus, subject to customary "fiduciary out" provisions that entitle Merus to consider and accept unsolicited superior proposals and a right in favour of Norgine to match any superior proposal....'
Gold Springs Resource Corp. (GRC)
Merus Labs International Inc. (MSL)
Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CPH)
Q: All three of these companies were once market darlings that have fallen from their more favorable market days and are now attempting turnarounds. Do any of these companies appear to be a turnaround buy at their current levels? If not,and if they sit in one's portfolio, should they be ejected? if so, how would they rate from worst (eject 1st)to best (still hope, eject last).
Photon Control Inc. (PHO)
Merus Labs International Inc. (MSL)
Cipher Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CPH)
Sandvine Corporation (SVC)
Q: I currently have 1/2 positions in MSL,CPH and SVC. MSL and CPH look like dead money with not a lot of growth potential going forward. SVC looks okay. I'm looking to enter a full position with PHO using proceeds from the sale of MSL and CPH (I would keep SVC for now and monitor). For heath care representation in my portfolio, I have a full position in GUD already (thanks 5i)! For a growth oriented portfolio, will this be a good move 3-5 years out? What do you consider an attractive entry point for PHO?
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