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5i Recent Questions
Q: I am looking to invest in ETF's that are in the Articifical Intelligence and Robotic areas that trade on the Canadian exchange. Horizon has Mind for AI and Rbot for the Robotics but the average daily volumes are very small. Can you recommend any other ETF's I could consider. Thank you
Q: I hold both of the above, MIND I am breaking even on MIND but am down 22% on MJJM. My thought was that once Canada legalizes marijuana it will it should start gaining. I am wondering how you feel about these.
ROBO Global Robotics and Automation Index ETF (ROBO)
Horizons Active A.I. Global Equity ETF (MIND)
Q: Can you recommend a small group of companies in Canada that are principally involved in Artificial Intelligence. I think you advised in the past; however, I can’t find your response.
Thanks, Jerry
Thanks, Jerry
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