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Q: Midas just got their DEIS for their project in Idaho. They will probably get the final EIS in Q2 of next year, and start building the mine late 2021, assuming all goes as planned.
I'm up about 140% on the stock, and wondering if it is worth holding on to during all the permitting that will go on for the next year or more. I don't really see the share price doing much during that time.
Any thoughts, advice? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ed on August 25, 2020
Q: Hello Peter,

1) Your thoughts on Midas Gold. I was thinking of purchasing some based on the possibility of the Idaho Project going ahead. Is it viable at 1300$ Gold
2) Your thoughts on New York City disposing of Energy Infrastructure. Seems like everybody is down on Oil and Gas. I'm thinking this is a start of a trend to move away from the energy companies engaged in Oil and Gas. And will it negatively affect oil and gas.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on January 16, 2018
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