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5i Recent Questions
Q: My husband is 8 years away from retirement and wants to buy dividend stocks to leave mostly alone (not checking daily like me!) - he'll check in on it now and then. This is the list he's come up with - slightly higher positions in BCE, BPF.UN and slightly lower in AW.UN, CAR.UN and OLY, otherwise fairly evenly split. Do you see this a good list for his purposes, and is there anything you would leave off, or add? Any other alarm bells? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on August 21, 2024
Q: Could I get your opinion on LIF? I know the dividend fluctuates, but does it seem reasonably sustainable at current levels, what is the payout percentage, the debt levels, and what will drive the stock price higher or lower and the likelihood of each. The stock seems to have traded back down a bit recently - would you consider buying at the current level for an income oriented investor?
Read Answer Asked by grant on June 11, 2024
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