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Q: this company reported good results .sold some assets to majority share holder . yet drops a lot . plese explain
Q: Dear 5i,
I am interested in buying a Canadian stock that sells carbon credits. I believe LCFS sells carbon credits but is a small cap and the price has been trending dramatically down since their IPO over a year ago. In your opinion, does this company have substance for a patient investor willing to hold a maximum 2% postition in a TFSA? What do you think would be an attractive entry price?
I am interested in buying a Canadian stock that sells carbon credits. I believe LCFS sells carbon credits but is a small cap and the price has been trending dramatically down since their IPO over a year ago. In your opinion, does this company have substance for a patient investor willing to hold a maximum 2% postition in a TFSA? What do you think would be an attractive entry price?
Q: Dear 5i,
If you were to invest 1 to 2% in a TFSA for a minimum 3 to 5Y hold in either LCFS or TWM which one would it be? Can you please comment on the debt levels of each? Can you please comment on how significant the carbon credits are for each? Would you expect tax selling for these two in the next couple of months and what do you think would be a very attractive entry price?
If you were to invest 1 to 2% in a TFSA for a minimum 3 to 5Y hold in either LCFS or TWM which one would it be? Can you please comment on the debt levels of each? Can you please comment on how significant the carbon credits are for each? Would you expect tax selling for these two in the next couple of months and what do you think would be a very attractive entry price?
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