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5i Recent Questions
Q: I came across PUMP, World Class Extractions, on Jan 26 had an update on Pineapple Express Delivery, they have controlling interest. They deliver Cannabis B-B, and B-C, and also Liquor in some jurisdictions. They deliver Medical Cannabis for Shoppers Drug mart , as well as for Spectrum, medical division of Canopy Growth. Now they’re applying for license from Canadian Gov for “Sale for Medical Purposes “ for its facility in GTA. They seem relatively undiscovered, but getting attention lately. Do you think they could be a good Aquisition target by Shoppers or Canopy Growth, or any other bigger player for that matter.
Plus in their own business in the CBD products and devices could also be attractive part to the package
Read Answer Asked by Allen on February 12, 2021
Q: Enjoyed your article on year end tax selling,i picked the 9 stocks with the greatest estimated revenue growth for 2021 of these 9 could you pick your top 5 which have the best chance of a turnaround for 2021, could you rank them for growth and risk, thank you use extra credits if needed
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 16, 2020
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