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Q: Hi 5i Research team,
Follow up questions on KITS: based on transaction volume, what would the maximum number of shares you would recommend owning? In your answer you mention that KITS is expensive (good companies usually are): with what multiples would you consider it fairly valued? What impact would you expect a recession would have on sales growth? My intuition tells me that contact lens and glasses are more staples than discretionary: would you agree? Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Follow up questions on KITS: based on transaction volume, what would the maximum number of shares you would recommend owning? In your answer you mention that KITS is expensive (good companies usually are): with what multiples would you consider it fairly valued? What impact would you expect a recession would have on sales growth? My intuition tells me that contact lens and glasses are more staples than discretionary: would you agree? Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Q: Hello 5i Research Team,
What is your opinion of KITS senior management and board members? Could KITS be significantly affected by U.S. tariffs (manufacturing in Canada versus geographic breakdown of sales: 80% U.S. and 20% Canada)? What is the sales potential in $ with current production capacity? What is the next steps in KITS's strategy to continue its growth? If the end game for KITS is the sale of the company as the founder did in the past with its previous company,: where should KITS be in its development and when that could be (time horizon)? What does KITS lack to be included in the growth portfolio? What characteristics of KITS prevent you from writing a report on KITS? If you had written a report on KITS, what would its rating be (B+?)? How do you explain the loss of stock market momentum in recent months prior to the last week? What weighting of your (Peter's) portfolio would you like to have in KITS, or what is the maximum number of KITS shares you would buy, given its daily volume? Which Canadian small caps (market cap below $1,000M) are you considering better than KITS?
Thanks for your cooperation, Eric
What is your opinion of KITS senior management and board members? Could KITS be significantly affected by U.S. tariffs (manufacturing in Canada versus geographic breakdown of sales: 80% U.S. and 20% Canada)? What is the sales potential in $ with current production capacity? What is the next steps in KITS's strategy to continue its growth? If the end game for KITS is the sale of the company as the founder did in the past with its previous company,: where should KITS be in its development and when that could be (time horizon)? What does KITS lack to be included in the growth portfolio? What characteristics of KITS prevent you from writing a report on KITS? If you had written a report on KITS, what would its rating be (B+?)? How do you explain the loss of stock market momentum in recent months prior to the last week? What weighting of your (Peter's) portfolio would you like to have in KITS, or what is the maximum number of KITS shares you would buy, given its daily volume? Which Canadian small caps (market cap below $1,000M) are you considering better than KITS?
Thanks for your cooperation, Eric
Q: Hello,
Can I please get your opinion on KITS?
Can I please get your opinion on KITS?
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