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Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 14:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Charles on September 20, 2024
Q: This question is actually on i 80 gold's common shares but you can comment on the warrants as well. This is my stake in a gold developer (I have larger positions in Agnico Eagle and BTGold) and it has disappointed me. They have good geology in a top notch juristiction (Nevada). They have lots of infrastructure that could be refurbished (an old autoclave) there are roads, (like Interstate 80), a rail spur, historic mining knowledge but all of this has not done the share price any good. Mangement is trying to get a partner to develop their base metal assets but there have been no offers (at least publicly) and therefore the company had to do another share offering to keep the drills turning. They are producing some gold and gold beaing ore but not enough to generate enough cash to keep the exploration drills turning. The $100 + million they raised a few months ago can keep them going to Christmas or early next year. What do you think will happen with I-80 gold? A take out at a lower valuation? Another equity raise which means more dilution to current shareholders? A joint venture on the base metal? I think this company has lots of potential but how long should one wait for these 'nuggets in the rough" to get polished into shiny gold?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 09, 2024
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