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Q: All things being equal, which ETF would you prefer for US exposure today with all that's going on, for a 3-5 year hold? A follow up to my previous question, would 50/50 in either maybe a better way to go?
Q: So I am looking at a high yield Canadian issued ETF with distributions in USD. Growth is secondary to yield as it it is to partially offset the increasing costs of wintering in Florida. Is the price of HYLD.U.CA ( $14.75 ) in CAD or USD ; likewise what currency is the distribution ? I understand this ETF has 1.25 leverage.
Would this ETF met my goals of high income from stocks representing the broad US market?
Are there other products that meet my goals ?
Thanks. Derek.
Would this ETF met my goals of high income from stocks representing the broad US market?
Are there other products that meet my goals ?
Thanks. Derek.
Q: Of these two etfs HYLD and HHIS how safe is the capital and which one would you prefer. Also would they be better for a RRSP, TFSA or NON REGISTERED account
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