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Q: Acknowledging that 5i may not agree with my opinion here, if one were to believe that Solar-Wind Battery Storage systems will eventually be cheaper than Gas / Coal / Nuclear, etc. power, would BEP.UN be the best investment choice?

With regards to the above, are there any other Canadian options - even an ETF - for holding within a non-registered account. I'd want to avoid that T1135 form !
Read Answer Asked by James on September 09, 2024
Q: I’m looking for a global fund, primarily green with medium risk. Would appreciate 4 or 5 names in order of preference.

Something similar to Mackenzie Greenchip Global Environmental All Cap A
Read Answer Asked by Barrie on August 21, 2023
Q: i am interested in buying a intorenewable energy . is it better to by an ETF ( need a name ) or a company. what companies would you recommend ?
Read Answer Asked by brian on December 13, 2022
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