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Global X Seasonal Rotation ETF (HAC)
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Corporate Bond ETF (VCIT)
iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT)
BMO Asset Management Inc (ZTL)
Q: I noticed in your disclosure you have an interest in TLT, I hold ZTL which I assume is comparable?
Horizons Seasonal Rotation ETF as of May 31, 2023 has 75% in 0-3 month T-bills & 6% in 7-10 years with no exposure beyond that.
Could you help me understand the risk/reward difference between the ultra-short term and ultra-long term T-bills and which I would be better with in todays market and assumption interest rates may have peaked, or should I cover both ends?
Horizons Seasonal Rotation ETF as of May 31, 2023 has 75% in 0-3 month T-bills & 6% in 7-10 years with no exposure beyond that.
Could you help me understand the risk/reward difference between the ultra-short term and ultra-long term T-bills and which I would be better with in todays market and assumption interest rates may have peaked, or should I cover both ends?
Q: Hi Peter, what do you think of this ETF based on technical analysis ? It is down in the 9 month since inception but by less than the overall market and the company Fairlead that runs is seems very competant. Are there other funds that follow similar approaches and if so which if any would you prefer ? Thank you.
Q: Need to have your opinion on the seasonal rotation ETF. It comes with a relatively high fees with MER of 2.66. But it has performed well relative to the index TSX. So do you think this fee is justified and do you like the stratergy?
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