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Q: I generally like and follow your advice when making an investment decision and own the balanced portfolio,plus many stocks in the other portfolios.But I strongly disagree with you on class A split shares,especialy ftn.I've used them for years and have made a great deal of money on them,for example I purchased ftn at around 7.50 paying 20% dividend,it now sits at 10.15!!They are definitely not a buy and hold stock,but can produce a massive amt. of income at times.Dfn used to be a favourite,but went through some tough times and is slowly recouvering!!But not to worry,I still value your advice on most everything else!!
Read Answer Asked by terry on November 28, 2024
Q: Can you go over your thoughts (other than sector differences) between these 2 types of products. I know they both use covered calls to generate additional income and that one is a split share.

Would a product like umax typically keep its payments at some level more consistently (as there is no preferred share to protect)? Is the upside (downside) potential higher on the split?

That is what I am thinking are the main differences but wondering if there are any other differences in how you see them.

If one was lookig at a swap from FTN to umax to keep a similar yield and lower leverage risk is that a reasonable view?
Read Answer Asked by Graham on November 27, 2024
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