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5i Recent Questions
Q: Does your analysis predict, as well as it can, that FR is a good investment for the next 10 years?
Maya Gold & Silver Inc. (AYA)
First Majestic Silver Corp. (FR)
Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS)
MAG Silver Corp. (MAG)
Hecla Mining Company (HL)
Q: To Gary’s question on ranking your top silver plays, you answered: PAAS, MAG, AG. Why do you favour them and how would HL and AYA compare?
First Majestic Silver Corp. (FR)
Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS)
Endeavour Silver Corp. (EDR)
Fortuna Mining Corp. (FVI)
Coeur Mining Inc. (CDE)
Q: Does 5i have a preference for any particular US or Canadian silver miners? In the past, the go to name was always First Majestic but the fiasco surrounding Jerritt Canyon seems to have hampered the company.
Thank you as always
Thank you as always
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