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Q: I know I'm being lazy. However, can you help me to understand, when share prices are not too different ($17.80 vs $17.05), why would someone purchase the "E" series rather than the "F" series.
It seems to occur with a number of companies, a wide disparity on the dividend yields paid within their PR's sphere of series. Just interest rates at the time of origin or re-set dates?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on September 19, 2024
Q: Own 500 units of this as well as CPD, XPF and XTR in TFSA. Income is okay but volume is thin. Preferred space is out of favour today, worst bond alternative ever it has been said, I get that.

So what to do? Consider them stranded assets and notionally eliminate from portfolio allocation and hang on until better times arrive? Problem is they take up brain time thinking about alternative use of funds now invested in them. But with interest rates declining and rate-set preferreds having further room to fall is the best one can do is hope and collect the distributions? Taking losses in a TFSA is emotionally hard to do.
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on July 12, 2019
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