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Q: Given the turmoil in the market at the present time, I want to increase my gold allocation and am considering these two companies. How would you rank them and what is your reason for the higher ranking? Do you have another producer in the sub-1M oz of gold production/yr range that you favor over these two companies? What would be your maximum allocation for gold stocks in today's market? I already have 1% positions in each of KNT and AGI.
Q: I have two small holdings in the materials sector, EQX (1% of portfolio) and NGT (1.5% of portfolio). I am thinking of consolidating them. NGT is the larger company by far, and has faced some negative investor sentiment recently, but to my knowledge, remains profitable and should perform better in the next several quarters. EQX has had better recent momentum, but is much smaller than NGT. This would be for a longer-term hold.
An alternative strategy would be to sell both and purchase another gold mining company with these funds.
I would appreciate any thoughts or insights you would be willing to share. Thanks so much, and I look forward to your reply.
An alternative strategy would be to sell both and purchase another gold mining company with these funds.
I would appreciate any thoughts or insights you would be willing to share. Thanks so much, and I look forward to your reply.
Q: Good day,
In a recent announcement, EQX indicated that US$130 million conv debt is being converted into equity, and it talks about a secondary offering for the same amount - Q. Is that secondary offering to cover the debt, or is it in addition to the shares being issued for the debt conversion?
In a recent announcement, EQX indicated that US$130 million conv debt is being converted into equity, and it talks about a secondary offering for the same amount - Q. Is that secondary offering to cover the debt, or is it in addition to the shares being issued for the debt conversion?
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