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Q: Hi
Canadian Pref Share Market seems to live in an environment of low liquidity and sell off no matter what other indicators imply about the future.
Today it seems strange that a pref share ( ENB.PR.D ) would trade at $17.50 (Yield: 6.37%) with the Reset Date approaching in four months.
With only a 0.75% raise by the BOC (between now and Feb 1, 2023) this share at current price will yield 9.76% on the reset. ( 8.69% without any change in Rates)

Is it just that investors will not pay for Pref Share future Resets?
Is ETF selling driving this share price as Managers are forced to liquidate as investor flee pref share ETF again?
Are investors holding out for a Bottom and then deploy cash to equities (high return) instead of Pref shares ( fixed return)?

What's up that a pref may be about to yield >9% and no one wants it?


Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 16, 2022
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