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Q: I hold psa in my tfsa for cash purposes. I am looking at moving proceeds to either hdiv or Dxq for cash holdings. Would you please compare these 2 etfs and would you recommend one over the other for stated purpose. Thanx.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on June 25, 2024
Q: This ETF lists itself as on the low side for risk. It has a nice dividend yield, but most of the stocks it holds seem to be big name techs. It says on the site that it rights puts for downside protection but I have no idea how much protection that is if there was a market downturn. I'm betting you do. I want to buy this for the 'fairly safe/high yield' part of my portfolio. How would this compare in risk to something like the big banks, pipelines or utilities?
Read Answer Asked by John on February 08, 2024
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