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Q: Hello Peter and staff:
Each of the above mentioned have incredible yields, that pay monthly dividends - CBNK - 9.78%, EIT.UN - 8.74%, DFN - 22.94%. Could you comment on each of the 3 in terms of sustainability and could you rate them in order of preference, or not at all. Could you also recommend other high yield monthly dividend paying stocks. Thank you all for your incredible service.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 09, 2024
Q: Dear 5i Team,

As the holiday season approaches, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the outstanding service your team has consistently provided. Your expertise and dedication have been invaluable.

Considering the current financial climate where interest rates seem to be stabilizing or decreasing, I'm contemplating whether it's an opportune time to invest in split shares mostly for dividends for 1 to 3 years hold. Do you see any issues? if not would you recommend top 2 split shares in Canada.
Read Answer Asked by Atchuta on December 18, 2023
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