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5i Recent Questions
Q: Would you please comment on the offer to take CAM private. Sell and move on or, would you suggest something else? Also in the case of Discover Air any opinion and in particular how secure are the non secured debentures, given Clairvest holds secured ones and trying to take the company private by buying the remaining common stock for $0.20?


Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 27, 2017
Q: I wanted to ask about Discovery Air, but the "ask a question" interface doesn't recognize either the symbol or the name - not sure this is how this is supposed to work. I believe that, in a previous iteration of this interface, 'DA.A' was recognized and searchable as such.

In any case, today's press release from Clairvest <> announces their intention to purchase (at a substantial discount) all the common shares not already owned by them or their affiliates. Supposing this occurs, does this devalue the convertible debentures, or do the debs effectively become a kind of private debt? Put another way, could this actually be good for the security of the debentures?

Edit/share (or not) as you see fit.
Read Answer Asked by John on March 08, 2017
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