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5i Recent Questions
Q: Good Monday Morning to all at 5i!

I have both of there ETFs and have had them for a while. They are both underwater and I was wondering about their future prospects since interest rates are falling. Do they have a chance of seeing an upside???


Read Answer Asked by Tamara on October 02, 2024
Q: Would both these 2 ETF fall under Financial services? I have 25% holding in this sector and need to reduce and wonder which ETF would you sell to bring down the weight. Both are 5% weight in my RRSP account. I have also some other financial stocks in a non registered account but reluctant to sell as this would would create a capital gain and I have no loss to offset the gain with.

Read Answer Asked on October 01, 2024
Q: Hi All at 5i! I have 44K in CPD in a non registered account which provides me monthly income via dividends. I prefer a stock which pays a decent dividend but also offers some growth. I would like to sell my CPD which has given me no growth and reinvest in better growth/ dividend paying stocks. Could you offer me the names of 5 such stocks?.
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on September 27, 2024
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