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Q: My two underperforming energy E&P stocks are CNE and PXT. Both seem restrained by their activity in Columbia, with the hostile new prez and increased taxation. What I think I know is as follows:

CNE is primarily nat gas, provides decent production reports and projections and is working to supply more regions via a pipeline project, paid for by and built by a Chinese partner, and scheduled for operation by 2024. CNE has more debt than peers, but largely at a fixed rate until 2028. Notwithstanding that they trade at 1.52XCF, yield >10%, have reduced their share count steadily through modest buy-backs and have optimistic guidance, the stock has steadily fallen to the point that I’m now down 43%! Thus, I could exploit a loss.

I’m still up somewhat on Parex, which has great financials and outlook, and seems widely loved by analysts, though this is not reflected in the recent price action. Parex is primarily oil, but in their most recent report, they note Columbia’s growing demand for nat gas and say that they plan to do more in that direction – supporting what Canacol has said. I have a modest gain on Parex, though the stock has performed poorly relative to its Canadian-based peers – thus no tax loss to be harvested, and delaying a sale until after tax loss season could be contemplated.

Am I missing something about one or both of these companies, or are they just mispriced? Sell CNE now and PXT later, or hold on?
Read Answer Asked by don on December 16, 2022
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