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5i Recent Questions
Q: It has been some time since a question was asked about this company.
It is performing very well technically and has a nice long term chart.
Can you please provide your excellent fundamental analysis and an opinion on purchasing in a TFSA.
Thanks very much
It is performing very well technically and has a nice long term chart.
Can you please provide your excellent fundamental analysis and an opinion on purchasing in a TFSA.
Thanks very much
Q: Am I get an updated opinion on CKI. Trading much closer to BV now.
Descartes Systems Group Inc. (The) (DSG)
Clarke Inc. (CKI)
Maxim Power Corp. (MXG)
Viemed Healthcare Inc. (VMD)
Q: I've whittled down my latest TSX "watch list" to the 4 securities listed above. How would you rate them and which would you pick if only one was chosen?
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