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5i Recent Questions
Q: Interested in dividend etfs and looking at these 3
How can I find information on the general holdings of each? For example is weighting mostly financials ? utilities ? etc. Mo point in buying 2 with similar weightings!
Is there a sight that discloses holdings in each or at least general weightings.
Do you have a favorite among these 3 or another to recommend. Goal us income with some growth but primarily income 5 year horizon
Many thanks for great service
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 13, 2024
Q: Could you please suggest 2 or 3 dividend ETFs that I could look at to increase the amount of dividends in my account.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Paula on August 29, 2024
Q: Can you recommend a list of safe dividend income ETFs with high steady monthly distributions? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on August 07, 2024
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