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5i Recent Questions
Q: Is Kazastan back in the supplying the market What about Russia and the Ukraine . what is outlook for Uranium Price as demand picks up Where can i find the price for Uranium ? Your top picks please Thank you RAK
Q: Re Nuclear Growth I thought Uranium would be the play but I see the Builders of Plants are moving better then Uraniums ie SMR NNE SNC CCO owns 49 % of Westinghouse with Brookfield What are your thoughts Buy more NXE CCO or SMR NNE
Or others that you think would be a better play on NUCLEAR RAK
Or others that you think would be a better play on NUCLEAR RAK
Q: Good afternoon,
Given setback in CCO production, how do you assess the stock their ability to replace should this be for an extended period?
Thank you.
Given setback in CCO production, how do you assess the stock their ability to replace should this be for an extended period?
Thank you.
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