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BMO Real Return Bond Index ETF (ZRR)
iShares 1-10 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBH)
iShares Canadian Real Return Bond Index ETF (XRB)
iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
Q: In my balanced cash account I hold CBH as the fixed income portion and while I thought the laddered approach would be beneficial, it has not performed well over the past years. After reading about Real Bond ETF's, I am wondering if I should replace my CBH with a real bond ETF (either XRB or ZRR) for the next few years. What do you think of that strategy? FYI, I also hold XBB in my RSP.
iShares 1-10 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBH)
iShares 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBO)
Q: Hi, looking to add to the fixed income part of my portfolio, I hesitate between CBH and CBO. In the current state of affairs, should I go for a short-term etf like CBO or go with CBH for which the duration is a reasonable 4.5 years. I have mainly individual govn’t bonds at this point plus 10% total in XBB and XSB. Thanks
Global X Active Ultra-Short Term Investment Grade Bond ETF (HFR)
iShares 1-10 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF (CBH)
iShares Core Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF (XCB)
iShares U.S. High Yield Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (XHY)
Q: I Have held these bond etfs for a long time and they are down considerably. (-16 & -30% -9.00 % -5.16%)and still counting
My question is :
Do I have any reasonable reasonable expectation of ever recovering the capital if I hold them ?
Or I am reasonably safe in selling them and putting what is left in a better place ?
My question is :
Do I have any reasonable reasonable expectation of ever recovering the capital if I hold them ?
Or I am reasonably safe in selling them and putting what is left in a better place ?
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