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Q: Caledonia's share price seems to have plateaued somewhat since at least November 2018, trading mostly between $7 and $8. I've done well by it but am growing impatient. It is a relatively small holding in my TFSA. I'm wondering if I'm better off selling and investing the proceeds elsewhere. (I have three other mining holdings.) As always, I welcome your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Marc on March 09, 2019
Q: I'm considering reentering Caledonia and I'm trying to figure out what is behind the recent drop. The Zimbabwe "election" seems to be resolved without too much turmoil. Gold has been weak, but with an AISC of $856 the company still has good earnings to support the dividend. Reduced taxes offset the somewhat weaker production results from the last quarter and future production increases are forecast. Finally the proposed acquisition of a further 15% interest in the mine appears to be on good terms for the company. The drop to me seems overdone and I'm thinking that a move back to the $10-11 range would be reasonable. I'm interested in your thoughts.

Thanks, Jason
Read Answer Asked by Jason on September 04, 2018
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