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5i Recent Questions
Q: Good morning, I hold ASR, AEM and BTO. I am looking to add one more gold name. Also, would you keep ASR as it transitions into SSR? Please provide me your top two mid-cap gold names.
Alacer Gold Corp. (ASR)
Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. (WDO)
Teranga Gold Corporation (TGZ)
Dundee Precious Metals Inc. (DPM)
Equinox Gold Corp. (EQX)
Q: Hi 5i team, is it too late to enter the gold mine sector? Of the above companies, how will you rank them in terms of growth potential and price appreciation long term? thanks.
Q: Hi 5i team, Alacer stock softened on the first day (May 11th) after the deal announcement with SSR. Since end of the day on Monday May 11th the stock is up approx. 25% in 5 trading days. In your opinion, is the market expecting a competing bid or is this bid up in the stock a recognition of the synergies that will occur with the merger?
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