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Q: Not a question, but a comment: regarding YAK, it is a company run by Harris Kupperman and Jordan Calonego, who have experience running a hedge fund (Praetorian) and several small businesses (self storage, construction, etc.), respectively. As far as I know, they take no salary, have no stock options, and instead simply hold ownership of the shares to align their interests with shareholders. There was a strange lockup period with the shares for quite some time, and selling was extremely restricted.

The Mongolia Growth Group website has all their monthly reports and updates, and Harris runs a website, which has some pretty interesting commentary from time to time. I believe there was a presentation on YAK at the Las Vegas Value Investors Conference.

I don't own any shares, but have been keeping an eye on the company for a while. I like the Mongolia thesis, but view an investment as being at the top end of the risk spectrum since frontier market governments can nationalize assets at any time.
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Read Answer Asked by Alexander on August 07, 2013
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