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5i Recent Questions
Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc. (WEE)
VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp - Ordinary Shares (VSBY)
i-80 Gold Corp. Common share purchase warrants (IAU.WT)
Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 14:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Q: On 5/30 Canopy Growth announced it acquires a 19.99% interest in Ndva,signs some lease agreement and holds an interest in the Wanda brand.Pleasecomment.In view of above,is it worthwhile holding on? No material movement in price after announcement.Txs for u usual great services & advices.
Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc. (WEE)
Supremex Inc. (SXP)
TerraVest Industries Inc. (TVK)
Leaf Mobile Inc. (LEAF)
EnviroMetal Technologies Inc Com (ETI)
Gamesquare Esports Inc. (GSQ)
Q: Hi
I am reviewing my portfolio trying to decide i i should sell some of my stocks
WEE , TVK and SXP have been very profitable , do you suggest holding these stocks for the long term, a partial sell off , or to sell off the full position at this time .
I have lost money on ETI, LEAF, and GSQ do you suggest holding for the long term or selling off at this time
Thank you
I am reviewing my portfolio trying to decide i i should sell some of my stocks
WEE , TVK and SXP have been very profitable , do you suggest holding these stocks for the long term, a partial sell off , or to sell off the full position at this time .
I have lost money on ETI, LEAF, and GSQ do you suggest holding for the long term or selling off at this time
Thank you
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