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Q: Couple days back there was a question regarding VPT. It was stated that there was inside buying, you did not answer how much buying took place. Also, in your answer I was left with the impression that VPT, makes medical equipment, but when I was listening to Robert Mcwhirter, on BNN, I was left with impression that VPT had software that they were going to adopt to GE ultra-sound equipment. So, if you could explain this discrepancy between these two scenario, I would greatly appreciate it. If it turns out that VPT makes medical equipment, what other companies are in this same space.

Question #2 - I bought HNU is the $16.00 range, and now it is up In the $22.00 range. Do you feel it has run its course or is there more upside in the near future. I guess the question would be is it a hold or sell.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on September 16, 2021
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