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Q: Hi guys
Quick question about sog. I have owned this for a while and have seen it go down like the Titanic. They are looking to sell the assets, usually mean a spike in the price, but in this case they just took on more water. One of the reasons I bought into this is because the large buying by the insiders, what in your opinion is the value for this company,
Thanks and have a nice week-end
Read Answer Asked by auftar on September 10, 2018
Q: sog is offering current shareholders to participate in a debenture offering. The way that I read it the proceeds will be used to pay off the Bank lines and the excess will be used to fund operations. The debentures< I assume would be the 1st charge on the assets and would be paid 1st in case of banktruptcy, is this the case? They pay 8% and are convertible into shares at $.09. Seems like the insiders are going to fund the major portion.How do you feel about this Debenture.

Thanks for your thoughts
Read Answer Asked by auftar on February 16, 2016
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