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Q: Happy new year Peter & Team

It was announced Wed QCC entered into a "letter of engagement with PI Financial as sole lead underwriter, pursuant to which PI has agreed to purchase for re-sale 7,142,858 units of the Company at a price of CAD$0.70 per Unit, for total gross proceeds of CAD$5,000,000. Each Unit consists of one common share and one common share purchase warrant . Each Warrant is exercisable into one common share (“Warrant Share”) at a price of CAD$0.83 per Warrant Share, for a period of 24 months following the closing date of the Offering"

What are your thoughts on this move and what effect it has on the Company moving forward?

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on January 09, 2018
Q: Hey Peter & Team,

Seems I'm all about Cannabis these days. QCC today reported the first sale of their BOSS Co2 Extraction System into the US market and the price immediately jumped and is now up over 55% on the day with a volume of 4.8M. (ave 384K)

Had another frank conversation with an executive in the company and he informed me they have a number of sales in the pike after a very good showing at the MJBiz Conference in Las Vegas a month ago.

Things I have noticed... Moral around their offices is great. They genuinely believe in what they are doing and expect to do very well in the coming years plus, are looking to expand sales world wide. Their offices aren't fancy, don't even have a name or sign outside the building and the inside is neat, tidy and busy with no frills attached. Their markup on these units is 100% and they are expecting to sell a dozen if not more of of these proprietary systems per quarter next year. Makes sense considering they announced their first sale Dec 20, their 2nd the next day and now their 3rd system today.

I know I am in danger of sounding like a promoter but... I am now up almost 300% in less than 4 months and am starting to wonder what I should do. Buy Sell Hold... The original investment represented 0.5% of my portfolio.

If the announcement of three systems does this to the stock, what will happen when they start announcing additional sales at the same pace in the coming year?

Really look forward to hearing your advice.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on December 29, 2017
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