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Q: Hi team,
I am not sure if this is a question or a comment. My curiousity was raised earlier today when I read a question from Kenneth on MYM. I thought I was the only one who heard of it and it was barely for me as it was only a week ago. Many years ago, I used to dabble in the penny stocks but that is usually a losing game. These days I am mainly a large cap momentum style.
Anyway, through a friend of a friend out in Vancouver (you get the picture), I heard of MYM and PUF a week ago in the cannabis space, planning to build a greenhouse in Australia. I think MYM owns 25% of PUF who is leading the construction phase of the project in a joint venture with a construction company that I think is really a company. So, I think there is a question here. Is PUF the best symbol ever for a stock and are its prospects just another puff of smoke?
Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 30, 2017
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