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Q: Peter, I would appreciate your current assessment of JK as an early stages growth story that may be at a nice inflection point having declined from a high of ~$2.00 in early August.

The recent quarterly report was encouraging. Beacon Securities notes, "JustKitchen released on August 31 its fiscal 2021 third quarter financial resultss for the period ended June 30. The company reported $3.35 million in total revenue for the quarter, blitzing its reporting from the same period in 2020 to the tune of a 598 per cent year-over-year increase; when put in the context of a nine-month report, the company made $7.48 million in revenue, a near-tenfold increase from the comparative period from November 2019 to June 2020."

One question is how much of this increase is covid-related.
Read Answer Asked by David on September 10, 2021
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