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Q: In Nov IRO.v reported TTM EPS of $0.11USD for Q3 & it closed on Friday at $0.485. It appears to be extremely cheap with a P/E of roughly 3x. Fundamentals have been improving each quarter. They have some debt from the transformational acquisition of Papillon in 2016 but have been paying it down rapidly in 2017. With these key points above, I think it deserves some further consideration.

Another subscriber had asked about IRO in January & 5i said “At less than $10M market cap, we would completely avoid IRO.” Yes I agree, it’s a very illiquid microcap but that does not concern me because I’m not buying million of shares. I recently purchased a few thousand shares in my TFSA account. I thought it has potential to be a 4bagger this yr. Do you really think it should be avoid & why?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 12, 2018
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