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Q: I'm confused with your explanation on this arrangement. Please help me understand how many ACB shares I would get under the following two 20 Day VWAP scenarios:
If the VWAP is $10, how many would I get?
If the VWAP is $15, how many would I get?
Thanks as always for your amazing service!
If the VWAP is $10, how many would I get?
If the VWAP is $15, how many would I get?
Thanks as always for your amazing service!
Q: ICC is being taken over by ACB. Suppose to be 0.2448 of an Aurora share for each ICC share. Why hasn't ICC shares gone up in value lately with the rise in price of ACB shares? Why the big spread? Am I missing something?
Q: Any insight or info on the ICC sell-off the last several trading sessions? Over a week removed from earnings release so would have expected to see that last week.
I know you're not huge fans of the sector and even less so on an Uruguay play but any intel would be appreciated. I do find it a more interesting option than the oversaturated Canadian players.
I know you're not huge fans of the sector and even less so on an Uruguay play but any intel would be appreciated. I do find it a more interesting option than the oversaturated Canadian players.
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