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Q: This may be out of your realm of expertise but I've been following this co. for a while as it had announced a plan to do a non dilutive financing using an asset backed crypto token. It seems to be working as their latest financials show nearly $10 million in their accounts. I believe they have approx 61 million shares. Is it common for a micro cap to trade below cash value? I believe cash alone would make it worth around .16 ish. Would you be able to look into it. Thx
Read Answer Asked by Todd on March 05, 2019
Q: My question is about addition of cash to the balance sheet with out dilution. I have the above mentioned company in my risk portion of my portfolio. They seem to be on to a novel way to fund their mine in the form of a stream but with the help of an security token offering. so my question is if they are successful and add say $10,000,000 to the balance sheet, what should that do to the stock price. I would appreciate your insights. And any additional observations on the company as a whole.
Read Answer Asked by Todd on May 25, 2018
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