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Q: Hello, my question is regarding Constantine Metal Res (CEM).i realize it is a highly speculative play. but having said that it appears to be in an envious situation that many juniors would die for. and that is its JV with Dowa Metals & Mining. CEM has the Palmer VMS project and it appears to have a ton a upside exploration potential.could i have your opinion on CEM as a speculative play on the looming zinc shortage. management for CEM seem to be very well qualified and cost conscious, and with regards to Dowa's management they seem very astute and they specialize in Palmer type scenarios.
can i have your opinion on CEM, likes and dislikes, with their JV they should easily survive the next 3 years but i guess its possible that Dowa can pull out . thanx norm
Read Answer Asked by NORM on October 28, 2014
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