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Q: Buy, sell or ?
Bank of Nova Scotia (The) (BNS)
Kinaxis Inc. (KXS)
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. (BIP.UN)
iShares S&P/TSX 60 Index ETF (XIU)
Grande West Transportation Group Inc. (BUS)
Vanguard All-Equity ETF Portfolio (VEQT)
Lightspeed Commerce Inc. Subordinate Voting Shares (LSPD)
Brookfield Infrastructure Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BIPC)
Dye & Durham Limited (DND)
Q: Hello,
2 part question regarding the above companies for a 30 year old investor with a 10+ year hold horizon:
1. In a TFSA account I currently own BNS and BUS. Would you swap these 2 out for LSPD, KXS and DND today? If so, would you please rank the 5 companies in order of preference in a TFSA account?
2. I have some cash to deploy in my RRSP account. I was wondering if you could also rank the following companies to buy today once again for a 30 year old with a minimum holding period of 10 years: BAM, BIP.UN, BIPC (in case you think that one is better than the other in an RRSP), BNS, XIU and VEQT. I would be able to purchase 3 of the 6 mentioned so what would be your preferred mix in this case?
Thanks for your help!
2 part question regarding the above companies for a 30 year old investor with a 10+ year hold horizon:
1. In a TFSA account I currently own BNS and BUS. Would you swap these 2 out for LSPD, KXS and DND today? If so, would you please rank the 5 companies in order of preference in a TFSA account?
2. I have some cash to deploy in my RRSP account. I was wondering if you could also rank the following companies to buy today once again for a 30 year old with a minimum holding period of 10 years: BAM, BIP.UN, BIPC (in case you think that one is better than the other in an RRSP), BNS, XIU and VEQT. I would be able to purchase 3 of the 6 mentioned so what would be your preferred mix in this case?
Thanks for your help!
Q: Peter; Do you think this am’s government announcement re a billion or two for buying electric buses will,impact the above companies? Thanks. Rod
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