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5i Recent Questions
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Q: With bitcoin plunging I was thinking about a short in this space. Would you mind giving me your thoughts on such a trade and some possible names? Thank you I’m advance.
Wondering what other companies you could recommend that has some association/ benefit from bitcoin and mining technology. Ex Hut 8
Wondering what other companies you could recommend that has some association/ benefit from bitcoin and mining technology. Ex Hut 8
Q: Hi Peter,
Any idea why BTL group is surging so much this week given that a week ago it was in the dumps? Is this still very speculative play? Why is Covalon continuing to experience declines? Also, with Cannibis stocks taking a hit (not clear why) would be a good time to add to HMMJ with Canopy Growth being one of the largest holdings or is it better to just put the money in Canopy Growth given its relationship with Constellation Brands? Thanks very much.
Any idea why BTL group is surging so much this week given that a week ago it was in the dumps? Is this still very speculative play? Why is Covalon continuing to experience declines? Also, with Cannibis stocks taking a hit (not clear why) would be a good time to add to HMMJ with Canopy Growth being one of the largest holdings or is it better to just put the money in Canopy Growth given its relationship with Constellation Brands? Thanks very much.
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