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Q: Hi Peter and team,

I have a question about Anfield Gold Corp. What is the business model of the company. When do you think they will go into production to pour its first gold and silver deposits. Rick Rule is positive on the company because of one successful miner. In addition, he has a big position as he mention on BNN. Do you see it being taken out within the 3-5 years. What is the potential on this mine.

Thank you in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Norwood on May 16, 2017
Q: Hello,
My TFSA current composition is:
ATD.B(20%),KXS(30%),GUD(20%),NFI(20%),and YRI(10%)(Thanks 15%UP).
What changes would you make to my TFSA to make it more aggressive, I understand it also means more risk. What would you get rid off in my setup.

Muchas gracias!
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on February 02, 2017
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