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Q: I am curious if your opinion of these two firms has changed. I am interested if you see any catalysts for significant growth from either of them. I do realise they are - or at least were - high risk. Just looking for some play money attempts at a 10 bagger plus! Some of my comments are below.
1) In the last couple of years ZDC has managed to move in to something we might be able to call profit, and their market cap has grown from your $4 million estimate in 2019 to about $30 million today.
2) AMI you called a sell in 2020. Their fracking sand was supposed to be a hot thing for them for years now, and I do see "some" movement in that direction, but slowly indeed.
1) In the last couple of years ZDC has managed to move in to something we might be able to call profit, and their market cap has grown from your $4 million estimate in 2019 to about $30 million today.
2) AMI you called a sell in 2020. Their fracking sand was supposed to be a hot thing for them for years now, and I do see "some" movement in that direction, but slowly indeed.
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Q: Ignoring taxes, cash requirements and sector allocation, on a straight-up basis, for a minimum of a one year hold, which of the following would it be prudent to currently sell, buy, or hold? Thank you.
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