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Q: Ignoring taxes, cash requirements and sector allocation, on a straight-up basis, for a minimum of a one year hold, which of the following would it be prudent to currently sell, buy, or hold? Thank you.
Q: I have watched this company, without actually buying any of its penny stock, for a few years now, fully expecting it to go under. (Initially its fortunes were closely tied to the mining industry.) However, to my surprise it has found other niches for its technology and trades fairly actively, settling down at around 4 cents. It seems to regularly get "rescued" by private placements, who in turn get warrants with a strike price a few cents higher than the share price. I presume that these private investors would not be putting their money into ADK if they didn't see some promise.
What is your opinion of the viability of this company? Is it a speculative buy?
What is your opinion of the viability of this company? Is it a speculative buy?
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