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5i Recent Questions
Q: I have less than 1% positions in the above companies and am trying to reduce holdings. Can you please rank them buy, sell or hold. Thanks Stew
Read Answer Asked by Stewart on August 21, 2024
Q: Hi group in what order would you add Regardless of sector to the above stocks that i presently own + would you wait after the big drop in the markets today or slowly average in

also what your general thoughts (short comment will suffice) on the markets going fwd
Read Answer Asked by Terence on August 02, 2024
Q: Hi group I have taken profits on QSR,MCD,GSY,BYD,WSP,CSU,ARC. So my question in what order and at what price do i get back in i own the others, as listed so please rate them also for adding same format. Thanks for your help with this
Read Answer Asked by Terence on May 17, 2024
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