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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello, Apologies, my last question was about Viad Corp US (VVI) not Seven gen. Thanks.
VVI has gone up by almost 30% since summer, I am thinking after the election if there is a little bit of a lull..might be a good time to take a half position on this company. What are your thoughts on this company. Thanks. Shyam

Seven Gen looks quite good following its recent acquisitions. It is showing excellent momentum, good growth is expected and cash flow looks good. It has checked back a bit from its high, and looks good today. It reports Wednesday. Its last quarter was well ahead of estimates.

Read Answer Asked by Shyam on October 31, 2016
Q: My question is about vvi-viad corporation. This is the owner of Brewster travels..which is running an extremely profitable operation, which I experienced first hand during my recent visit to the Rockies. What do you think about this company, is this one to consider adding to my Us portfolio? Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on July 14, 2016
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