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5i Recent Questions
iShares S&P/TSX Canadian Preferred Share Index ETF (CPD)
iShares U.S. Preferred Stock (PFF)
Invesco Variable Rate Preferred ETF (VRP)
Q: Greetings,
Hoping you can help me to understand the fundamental differences between these funds and why the US preferred ETFs have significantly outperformed CPD since March.
Hoping you can help me to understand the fundamental differences between these funds and why the US preferred ETFs have significantly outperformed CPD since March.
Q: Greetings,
i am trying to clean up my US 401K _ i own both of these for income - do i need both and will they act the same?
i am trying to clean up my US 401K _ i own both of these for income - do i need both and will they act the same?
BMO Laddered Preferred Share Index ETF (ZPR)
Global X Active Preferred Share ETF (HPR)
Invesco Variable Rate Preferred ETF (VRP)
Q: I am retired and have these preferred etfs making up about 7% of the income part of the portfolio. There is obvious overlap. Vrp has out performed the others and has a better yield. It is held in a rrif so the US dividend is intact. I am assuming that the downturn in preferreds will level out, as this is a long term income hold. Should I eliminate hpr as it is 50% US and just stay with the other two with the currency diversity? Also what portion of fixed income do you feel preferred should make up? Have a great holiday.
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