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5i Recent Questions
Q: Good Morning Peter & Team,

Morgan Stanley called MG an auto supplier standout. MG reports first week November. Are you able to give us an idea what to expect? Positive or Negative???? ... considering the supply chain concerns (now [hopefully] waning) and of course the ongoing chip shortage.

Thanks for all you do

Read Answer Asked by Gord on October 15, 2021
Q: Hi Team,
I read a news release sept.20 stating magna will acquire veoneer. I just wanted to confirm this is now a done deal. And do you see this deal as a long term positive or am I the only one judging by investor sentiment? Last I had heard Qualcomm had a higher bid?? Can you confirm ; and as well is it worth holding magna at these levels or should I be taking a tax loss on it (down 8% on it )? Are there any catalysts that could help the stock in the next few months or do you expect further down side? As of today it’s my only play on the EV sector. I had thought when I bought it to be a safe play on the sector and expected strong auto demand once the chip shortage went away. Thanks for your input !

Read Answer Asked by Shane on September 27, 2021
Q: Some random musing (ramblings?). In a few-years-old article on Stella-Jones (currently in my portfolio thanks to you), Canadian Business remarked that Brian McManus, CEO of SJ, in respect of SJ's acquisitions strategy, "straddled the fine line between paying a fair price and never overpaying" for acquisitions.
I'm trying to wrap my head around that terrific concept in the context of the sometimes apparently exorbitant prices being thrown around for acquisitions these days (e.g. IPL/PPL/BIP, and lately especially MG/VNE/QCOM) -- which leads eventually to my question:
I can understand why MG would want to acquire VNE -- they are in similar or complementary businesses -- but fail to see the business reason why Qualcomm, a wireless-telecommunications-focused company, would be interested in VNE? And especially at those seemingly-inflated prices?
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on August 10, 2021
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