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5i Recent Questions
Q: I added 400 shares of VEDL in my wife's Spousal RRSP ---Vedanta Limited American Depositary Shares, after reading your answer to David On Sept.28/21--Nov.10/21 I received a notice from ITRADE, stating the company is deemed to be a non-qualified investment (NQI) for registered plans under the Income Tax Act. ... CRA may levy 50% penalty of the market value of the NQI ... Understand now delisted as a ADS. Can you help me to understand this mess? Also what red flag would be raised so I don't buy stocks That CRA rules NQI
Thank You
Thank You
Rio Tinto Plc (RIO)
Vedanta Limited American Depositary Shares (Each representing four equity shares) (VEDL)
Q: What are your thoughts re: VEDL’s value as a:
A) source of dividends
B) source of growth
C) proxy for the success of the Indian economy?
I.e. or would it be wiser just to get back in to Rio Tinto?
A) source of dividends
B) source of growth
C) proxy for the success of the Indian economy?
I.e. or would it be wiser just to get back in to Rio Tinto?
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