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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hello, Could you compare a few tail risk etfs like QTR, XTR, CYA and TAIL ..which would you suggest for some sort of protection.. What portion of a portfolio would you give as a guideline or thumb rule for one of these for an almost 100% equity portfolio. Thanks.


Read Answer Asked by Shyam on November 25, 2021
Q: Hi,
I am wondering if there are any any tail hedging strategies available to the common investor. As an example Universa has an insurance product which uses tail hedging strategies where one invests about 3% of their portfolio which practically produces a zero return during normal times but during times when unforeseen events or sudden crashes happen they produce phenomenal returns..I believe such products are only available to institutional investors. Thank you very much. Regards,
Read Answer Asked by Shyam on April 24, 2020
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